Friday, August 22, 2014

The Life and Times of Jesus, Part 2

The Life and Times of Jesus, Part 2   beta
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Seven Elements of Jewish History

  1. Jewish history began with a man named Abram, later renamed to Abraham about 2100 years before Christ.  He and his family lived in the Southern part of present day Iraq south of present day Bagdad.  In a period of time that most of the world's peoples believed in many gods, it came to Abram's heart and Abram began to and come to believe in one God, and worshiped only what he considered the one true God.  For this, God spoke to Abram.
  2. Abram, a man of wealth, felt a call from God to move his family, home, live stock, servants, and all else he had to a place he would be shown in the west what we now know as Palestine, called Cannan at the time.  This was a considerable move of great faith on the Abram's part and from this the nation of the Hebrews was born in Cannan.  This Hebrew nation eventually became the nation of the Jews with a promise of God that Palestine would be the land of the Jews, forever and would be a great nation of nations.  Upon Abram's arrival in Cannan, God changed Abram's name to Abraham.
  3. Good times, Bad Times, Return to God, Hebrews in Egypt 400 Years
    From the Christian Old Testament Bible we learn of the 1100 years of Abranam , the promises of God to make from him a great nation and his children who are the foundation of and the development of the Hebrew nation.  In that 1100 years, for about 400 years the Hebrews were captive and in slavery under the dynstaes of Egypt.  From that slavaery a leader of the Hebrews named Moses arose.  Under the leadership of Moses and through God's Grace, over one million of the Hebrews escaped Egypt about 1350 BCE +- 100 years.
  4. Moses and the Hebrews Return to Cannan
    To prepare the Hebrews to become the great nation of Israel, God required the Hebrews to be in the desert of the Egyptian Saini for forty years.  During this time the Hebrews rebelled and then returned to the worship of God.  Depending on various methods of dating, the Hebrews who began to call themselves Israelites were allowed back into the land of Cannan/Palestine sometime between 1450 and 1250 BCE.  It is only about the time of their reentry into Palestine after 40 years in the desert that archeological evidence of the nation of Israel can be found.  This is aside from some inconclusive evidence of Hebrews in Egypt during the 400 years mentioned.

  5. Saul, King David, Israel becomes a Mighty Nation, King David, Decline
    Moses dies before the Hebrews, now called Israelites, return to Cannan.  The return was most eventful and those events are the earliest archelogiacl evidence of Israel people find in Israel today.  For perhaps several hundred years the Israelits begin a process of growing into a large nation sometimes worshiping God, sometimes not.  After a period of time disconnected Israelite tribes (12 of them),  form a nation under a King named Saul.  This is not according to God's plan, but it what the people wanted and God allowed it to happen.  Saul is a decent king in the beginning, but in the end, he is killed in war and King David is annointed King.   Israel grows and flourished under King David, a God loving King, and generally life is good.  Upon King David's death, two of his sons take over and the Kingdom is split, and the "mighty" nation, in turning from God's desires, declines breaking up into the Northern Kingdom called Israel and the Southern Kingdom called Judah.
  6. Sorry Kings, Rise of the Prophets, 
    With the breakup into two nations, the once thriving nations turning from God begins a decline into selfishness, sorry kings, ethically poor 'religious' leaders and crude sinfulness. Approximately 740 BCE to 721 BCE the Assyrian nation over-ran the Northern Kingdom Israel destroying much of the nation, and over a period of time transferred the Jews of Israel to various parts of the world.  This is commonly kown as the 'lost 10-tribes' of Israel.  
    Judah was under seige for a period of time by Assyria but survived for over 130 years until they too fell to the Babylonians in 587/586 BCE.  The leaders of Judah including the religious, political, tradesmen, etc, and people of wealth were exiled to Babylon along with their writings, tools, and some wealth.  In Babylon some were enslaved but a community of Jews arose and basically thrived.  It 539 BCE, the Persians conquered Babylon and allowed the Jews who wanted to, to return to Judah with their wealth and added to it .  The Persian King even paid for rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem.  Generally, during the exile, the priests of the Jews collected and redacted the scrolls of the Temple, and put together much of the material of the Old Testament as we know it.
  7. The promise of a Savior, The Last Prophet, John the Baptist
       To be completed

more to come

A great book about Jesus, His time, events around His life is "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel.  As an atheist, he started writing and investigating for this book to show his wife that Jesus was a fake, but before he finished the book, Mr. Strobel became not just a believer, but a truly ardent, active believer.

Lee Strobel has also written "The Case for a Creator" and "The Case for Faith".

Thanks be to God.



Scriptures to consider for your life and future Bible Study discussions.

© lonnie coggins

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